A-level English Language: Language Change

Theorists for Language Change J Aitchison’s Potential, Diffusion, Implementation & Codification Model 1. Potential – there is an internal weakness or an external pressure for a particular change 2. Diffusion – the change starts to spread through the population 3. Implementation – people start using the variant – it is incorporated into people’s idiolect – [...]

DNA by Dennis Kelly: Knowledge Organiser

DNA by Dennis Kelly: Knowledge Organiser

A DNA Knowledge Organiser, based on Dennis Kelly’s play, including key vocabulary available for download. Making our British curriculum more accessible for EAL and ESL students by embedding key vocabulary and knowledge into the curriculum planning to support their language acquisition. The Knowledge Organiser is structured into three key areas: context, content and concepts. Use [...]

Beowulf: Introduction to PETER Analysis

Beowulf: Introduction to PETER Analysis

Exemplar paragraph of analysis based on the characterisation of Grendel in Beowulf with a breakdown of Point, Evidence, Technique (or Terminology), Effect and Refer Back. Useful for an introduction to analysis and support for Key Stage 3 students and part of a wider scheme of learning on Beowulf for Year 7. Subscriber Content Download Introduction [...]

An Unknown Girl

An Unknown Girl

A fully annotated copy of the poem 'An Unknown Girl' by Moniza Alvi to support the teaching of Edexcel IGCSE English Language Poetry & Prose Anthology. This can also be used to guide the teaching of this prose text as a coursework element. 'An Unknown Girl' by Moniza Alvi Fully Annotated PDFA fully annotated copy [...]



A breakdown of the non-fiction text from the Edexcel English Language Non-Fiction Anthology, 'Explorers or Boys Messing About? Either Way, the Taxpayer gets the Bill' . Exploring GAPS, title analysis and exemplar written analysis on the major techniques, purpose and tone throughout. Useful for supporting student revision and embedding sound understanding of linguistic features within [...]

Post-16 Support: British Curriculum

Post-16 Support: British Curriculum

A compendium of useful links to help you on your journey through Post-16, applying for Universities and Careers in the UK: Post-16 Support: Writing Personal Statements Choosing Universities: UCAS Connection to Higher Education The University Guide: Search for University Courses The Guardian: UK Universities League Table How to Choose a UK University Unifrog Tips for [...]

Post-16 Support: US Essay Writing Guidance

Post-16 Support: US Essay Writing Guidance

A useful guide and compendium of information to support you in writing US Application Essay. Checklist: Do: Make a list of things that matter to you. What are you passionate about?Prepare to write by reading. Read good quality texts; it will impact your writing!Expect to write several drafts, so start early!Ask people you trust for [...]