Science Fiction

Mrs Dunn's English Class Page Exploring the genre of science fiction through a range of canonical extracts and short stories. Download: Science Fiction Knowledge Organiser A Science Fiction genre Knowledge Organiser, based on a range of key conventions and motifs in Science Fiction writing. Can be used in Key Stage 3 and middle school in [...]

Purple Hibiscus: Tier 2 Vocabulary

Purple Hibiscus: Tier 2 Vocabulary

  Vocabulary Definition 1 Penitent Feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds 2 Lineage Tracking of direct descent and ancestry usually for pedigree 3 Reverence A feeling of profound respect for someone or something 4 Benevolence Kind and fair with power 5 Disconsolately Grief-stricken loneliness 6 Indigenous Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native [...]

Purple Hibiscus: Tier 2 Vocabulary

  Vocabulary Definition 1 Penitent Feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds 2 Lineage Tracking of direct descent and ancestry usually for pedigree 3 Reverence A feeling of profound respect for someone or something 4 Benevolence Kind and fair with power 5 Disconsolately Grief-stricken loneliness 6 Indigenous Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native [...]

Embedding Vocabulary into the Curriculum: Romeo and Juliet

Embedding Vocabulary into the Curriculum: Romeo and Juliet

Words are everything. But how to embed them coherently into a whole unit of work? Vocabulary has been the focus of much discussion and how we apply this to our lesson planning is essential. We have a moral imperative to introduce our students to a wide array of vocabulary because in word poor environments if [...]